Red Roses for Mother’s Day - 13. Mai 2012
This weekend, I finally made it to Magic Wood for the first time this year. Actually I have to admit it was only my 4th time ever which is a real shame, cause it’s really not that far away! However, that leaves me with thousands of unknown problems and I can’t even decide what to get on to. Together with Remo and our US friend Bryan we met in Hueco, I was happy to find perfect climbing conditions. It was rather chilly but the sun was out and thankfully it didn’t rain at all.
After warming up and trying Marihuana Corner for a bit (unfortunately I wasn’t able to put all the moves together), we went on to Red Roses, a really cool looking 7A+. At first I couldn’t even stick the first move but after trying a few times, I was able to climb the whole line yet fell at the last long move. A couple more tries later, I completed the whole problem and was happy to find myself on top of the boulder :) After that, Remo and Bryan wanted to try an 8B and both got really close but unfortunately couldn’t link all the moves. Meanwhile, I got on Heb da Arsch 7A and suprised myself by sending it in a few tries. Since I felt rather weak over the last couple of days, I was glad to be back in shape after two rest days and climbing on rock again always feels great anyway! I realized once more how lucky we are having such awesome climbing areas so close and hope to make it back to Magic Wood next weekend, so many things I’m psyched on!
Last but not least, I wanna thank my mom for everything she does for me, not just cause it’s Mother’s Day but because she’s the best mom on the face of the planet, I love you! :)