Good Endings and New Beginnings

First of all, I’m happy to announce that I’ll be supported by PETZL starting from next year! Thank you already for the support, I’m looking forward to a successful relationship!

Unfortunately the weather during the past month wasn’t too good and I couldn’t spend as much time out on rock as I intended to. However, there were enough other things keeping me busy. I took part in the local bouldering competition at Minimum and after a very exciting final with excellent setting, it was only a try for the bonus hold which made me become first ahead of Jara and Alina. The atmosphere was great and the problems were so much fun to climb, thanks to everyone who was part of this event!

This past weekend I competed in the Swiss Championships in lead climbing at the new gym in Lausanne. I haven’t done any lead competitions in a while and I wasn’t sure at first if this was going to be a good idea. Only this summer I had rediscovered the fun in rope climbing apart from all the pressure that comes with performing well in competitions and I didn’t wanna ruin that. Yet the ambitious part of me (which is hard to ignore) decided to give it a try. Sadly we were only 7 girls competing but qualifiers went okay and I just made it to finals. In finals however, I cut my feet at the wrong place and was back on the ground even before I got pumped. This got me placed 4th which is totally okay, I just wish I could’ve performed at my best but I might try again next year. Congratulations to Rebekka for becoming Swiss Lead Champion followed by Anne-Sophie and Anouk, well done! Although I could take advantage of Petra’s absence, I’m happy with my 2nd place in the overall ranking and I’m already psyched for next year :)




It’s the end of a long season and I’m looking forward to taking a few weeks off from training. Of course I’ll already miss climbing after a few days but it’s important for your body as well as your mind to recover and gain motivation for the upcoming season. Looking back, I’m really satisfied with how this year turned out for me in almost every aspect. At this point, I’d like to thank my family, my friends and teammates, my coach, our federation and the climbing community in general, it’s great to be able to do what I love most and you all support me in one way or the other, thank you! I wish everyone happy holidays and I hope you get to spend lots of time with your loved ones, enjoy all the good food and stay healthy! Let’s hope for an amazing 2015 :)
